Pi Day is a mathematical celebration that takes place every year on Mar. 14 to honor the math constant, π. This date represents the first three digits of pi, 3.14. It makes it a fitting day to honor the number that has fascinated mathematicians for centuries. This day is also used to promote interest in math and science through various activities, such as pi related challenges.
At Cardozo, many of the match teachers find fun and unique ways to promote math and science in relation to pi.
“In general, I think any day that brings attention to extremely important concepts of math is a very positive thing, since most people will think, ‘When am I ever going to use math in real life,'” Cardozo math teacher, Mr. Gong, stated.
When asked what makes Pi Day such an important celebration, he shared, “Pi is the ratio of the circles circumference to its diameter. Pretty simple, but if we wanted to figure out how many rotations we need to travel a certain distance… Oops, it’s sounding like a math problem. It’s just that anything that is related to a circle, whether the measure of the edge of a circle or anything that has to do with anything circular, we need to use Pi.”

On the other hand, Mr. Shin, another Cardozo math teacher, responded, “It is an important celebration because we get to eat pie! It is also important because Pi, is an irrational number, meaning its decimal’s representation goes on forever without repeating.”
In his classroom, Mr. Shin explained, “I would ask the students to draw different types of circles and find the perimeter. They then will walk around the classroom to see who has the closest numbers to each other.”
Mr. Gong, however, said he, “usually [will] try to have the lesson discover the numerical value of Pi on their own by using string to measure the outer edge of a circle and then the diameter. I would let the students average their results and see how close it is to the number we use as Pi.”

But, Pi Day isn’t only about math. Pi Day has become a cultural phenomenon, with people around the world participating in many activities. It brings communities together, along with pi and “pie” related activities.
A good way to celebrate? “Maybe celebrate with some pie at the end. I think the food aspect makes Pi so popular today. I think anytime people gather around a meal, there is cause for celebration,” Mr. Gong said.
Mr. Shin had also stated, Many other places besides school celebrate Pi Day. Pizza places, bakeries and many other eateries give discounts to their pies and circular items. Not only that, it also collides with the birthday of Albert Einstein, adding more flavor of significance to the celebration.”
Happy Pi Day!