Music has always been a big part of many people’s lives. It is something that can bring us comfort and happiness at any time. However, music has always stood out in school, with various groups such as band, chorus, and even dance. Music contributes to all of these groups that students partake in.
School is the best way to learn about music because students can really learn the foundation of the art and understand it more, especially its complexities. This all stands out in the month of March which is officially known as Music in Our Schools Month (MIOSM) in schools all across the world.
MIOSM has been around 40 years now, designated by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). This is a time of the school year when music education becomes the focus for schools and communities across the nation. The purpose of MIOSM is to raise the awareness of music education for all children and how music is something every child should have access to in any school community.
The MIOSM gives all music teachers the opportunity to bring the attention of their music programs to school and community and display the value music upholds in students and all school environments.
Throughout the years, Music Month has become more and more popular for schools all around the world and Cardozo will definitely be one of the schools that participate. Cardozo has a lot to offer for everything, whether it’s chorus or learning how to play an instrument. Cardozo’s music program will no doubt teach you everything you need to know about music and its history.
Mr Oberer, one of the music teachers here at Cardozo had a lot to comment on music education, sharing, “In music education and composition there is a thing called under represented composers that includes female composers, black composers and LGTBQ — they are all considered underrepresented composers in music education.”
Furthermore, Mr Oberer is pushing for the music program to be very active for all of Music Month. One example is recognizing teachers all throughout Cardozo who had ever done anything involving music in their high school careers. “We will try to have a music month concert in out school which will also act as a recruitment if the schools allows,” he added.
To add on, Mr Oberer discussed about possible trips for the music program like, “Going to elementary schools like P.S. 203 or P.S. 46 and we perform for them to show the young students where music education can take them.” This can be a great learning experience for younger grades to know what music really is all about.
Overall, music education is very important and useful to any incoming students or musicians and having music month is great to highlight music programs like Cardozo’s. This really can help get more and more students interested in learning everything there is that goes into music and its history and possibly creating a future career for themselves in the music industry. Whether that is singing or even playing an instrument, the possibilities are endless.