With a rise in political divide across the country, many people have begun to partake in the "cancel culture" epidemic.
In today’s society, it is very common to hear of someone being “canceled” due to their political beliefs, no matter who they are or how much fame they have. Often called “cancel culture,” this way of knocking people down due to their beliefs has become a major aspect of our social environment. Having closely witnessed this trend, I think there are several reasons why people get canceled due to their political beliefs.
First, social media’s advancement has been important in increasing voices and opinions. People can instantly share their ideas with millions of people worldwide on social media sites like apps like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Although there are several advantages to this freedom of speech, it also means that unpopular or controversial viewpoints can quickly gain a lot of attention and negative reactions.
When someone shares a political opinion that many others find destructive or offensive, it can spark a collective request for accountability, which sometimes leads to that person being “canceled.” The growing division within society is another reason related to people being fired for their political beliefs. People frequently place themselves strictly along party lines, and political debate has become very heated in many parts of the world.
A setting where opposing points of view are not only viewed as different but also as simply wrong or even harmful is produced by this division. Strong feelings and attempts to silence or punish someone can result when they share a political viewpoint that differs from the typically held opinion of a certain group.
In addition, the idea of accountability is evolving in this age of technology. People no longer accept or ignore opinions that they consider to be harmful or discriminating. Because of this increased sense of accountability, people are more likely to criticize and hold others accountable for their political beliefs, especially if such beliefs are considered to support injustice or inequality.
The aim of canceling someone is to let society know that certain opinions are not acceptable and will not be accepted. It’s important to take into account how relationships of influence function in cancel culture. It is common for people with large platforms or influence to be canceled.
It can affect society deeply when a public figure or someone in a position of authority expresses an unpopular political opinion. Therefore, there is a stronger urge to hold these people accountable to stop the spread of harmful beliefs. This may result in an exaggerated reaction, though, as the focus moves from the idea to the speaker. The goal of canceling culture is to encourage equity in society and accountability, but it also raises questions about free speech and the possibility of overreaction.
After interviewing a few students at Cardozo, the idea that someone doesn’t deserve to be canceled over their political views seems to be common. One student being interviewed stated, “Someone shouldn’t necessarily get canceled for their political views, but they shouldn’t be surprised to lose a following”.
Another student also said, “ If you vote for a president you align with the majority of their values. So, if a president you voted for doesn’t have good values and morals, what does that say about you.” This shows that voting for a certain person somewhat depicts where you stand as a person. This is the main reason why some people strive to cancel others whose beliefs they disagree with.
Some believe that removing people based on their political beliefs can have a detrimental effect, making people afraid to speak their thoughts for fear of backlash. A healthy society depends on free speech and the sharing of ideas, both of which may be minimized by this.
Overall, several factors, such as the enhancement of social media, societal division, a raised feeling of accountability, and the dynamics of power, lead to people being canceled because of their political beliefs. Cancel culture limits free speech and open discussion, even while its goal is frequently to avoid damage and promote justice. Finding a balance that allows accountability while maintaining a variety of opinions is essential as we cruise this complex environment.