Brett Sayles
Christmas is an annual religious festival celebrated on Dec. 25. It is characterized by giving gifts, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying each other’s company. During Christmas time, people start to get into the holiday spirit with each other, connecting and being more open. However, the major holiday has a rich and deep history.
The United States started celebrating June 26, 1870. Christmas has its ancient roots and is celebrated around the world. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and Christmas is a time to honor his birth. The Bible claims that Mary and Joseph welcomed Jesus into the world in Bethlehem. Although the exact year of Jesus’ birth is unknown, Dec. 25 was selected as a celebration day. Jesus Christ’s birthday was never celebrated during ancient days originally because no one knew the actual day.
Early church leaders argued against trying to determine a date for Jesus’ birthday. Christians had discussed several different dates celebrating the birth of Jesus but the date of Dec. 25 was mainly established. All over the world, we celebrate this day because it marks the birth of Jesus Christ.
This date was chosen by the early christian church in the fourth century. It was celebrated as a Roman festival and celebrated the winter solstice and the return of longer days. With these existing holidays it was easier to spread christianity.
Today, is celebrated many different ways around the world. However there are some common traditions that people follow. For example people often decorate their home with Christmas trees, lights, wreaths and ornaments. Most importantly, with a Christmas tree which is often topped with a star or an angel.
Exchanging gifts with loved ones is also an essential part of Christmas. The gifts are usually placed under the Christmas tree and are opened the morning of Christmas, sometimes even on Christmas eve. Families also have meals on the day of Christmas as a part of their celebration. However these Christmas meals vary by culture.
Christmas is more than gifts, for many — it’s about spending time with family and friends and spreading love and joy which follows on to creating memories. During the season gathering gifts for you or for others is a good choice. Many people use this time to reflect and appreciate what they have.
Christmas encourages people to be generous and kind. Many people engage in acts of charity, for example donating to those in need and volunteering to help others, it’s a season of giving back to the community. While gifts are part of the celebration, Christmas is about much more, including spiritual reflection, family connections, and acts of kindness.