Historically, careers in STEM—an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—have been male dominated. These careers in various science, engineering, and mathematics industries, have been held by men. However, along with the Age of Enlightenment, women have been taking on these roles and breaking stereotypes, as well as glass ceilings. And, the ladies from Cardozo’s Women in STEM are no different.
Cardozo’s Women in STEM—also known as WIStem for short—is a club that meets every Wednesday from 2:30-3:10 p.m. in room 321 of the main building.
The club started last year when Sarah Ahsan noticed there were no clubs for girls interested in science.
“As a girl interested in pursuing a STEM career, I knew a community like this would bring together many other girls who would share similar interests,” Ahsan, the president of WIStem, shared.
Women in STEM offers an opportunity for all students at Cardozo to come and learn about the gender gaps in society—and, how the gaps aren’t stopping these valiant women from accomplishing their dreams.
The club allows members to build and create inventions such as catapults, as well as work with electrical experiments alongside fruit. Opportunities and a chance to learn about future STEM careers are also some of the perks of the club.
Recently the club created a partnership with the organization Flowers for the Future. “We will be using online resources to remotely teach girls in Afghanistan about Biomedical Science,” Ahsan explained.
“Our generation has the ability to bridge the gender gap in STEM, which is why it’s important to encourage girls to learn about STEM,” she added.
For those interested in joining, past STEM experience is not required and all are welcome. To learn more about Cardozo’s Women in Stem, follow them on Instagram at @cardozowistem for more information.